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9 Food Items to Help Recover From Dengue Fast

9 Food Items to Help Recover From Dengue Fast
in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

Dengue fever is a type of viral flu which is influenced by the bite of an Aedes mosquito. The dengue hemorrhagic fever is commonly called as break bone fever as it is accompanied with severe joint pains which make the condition very difficult. It is very important to take effective preventive measures for the same. However, if you still get investigated positive with dengue, there are few foods that will help you recover from this disease at the earliest.


Dengue patients should opt for papaya. Papaya leaves are the best choice to go for. Remove the papaya leaves and squeeze them to extract the juice. It increases the platelet counts to a great mark. Alternatively, you can also boil the papaya leaves in water and drink the solution. It is probably the good home remedy for the treatment of dengue fever.


Broccoli is an excellent source of Vitamin K which helps to create blood platelets. If there’s a decrease in the platelet count then broccoli must be added in the daily diet of a dengue patient. It is also rich in antioxidants and minerals.


Pomegranate is rich in essential nutrients and minerals that provide the body with the required energy. Consumption of pomegranate helps subside the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue. Being a good rich source of iron pomegranate stands out to be quite beneficial for the blood. It also creates and helps in maintaining a normal blood platelet count which is essential to recover from dengue.


Spinach is a good source of iron and omega 3 fatty acids rich food which develops the immune system to a great extent. It is an effective way to increase the platelet level count.

Vegetarian diet

After fluid intake most prominent additions in the diet for dengue patients are almost all sorts of vegetables, particularly the fresh leafy vegetables. Care should be taken not to overcook the vegetables to keep the nutrients intact.

Tea with Ginger

Lastly, one of the best effective foods for dengue patients is tea mixed with aromatic medicinal herbs. Ginger tea is most effective due to its various medicinal properties.

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