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A Guide To The Best Gastroenterologist For You

A Guide To The Best Gastroenterologist For You
in Gastroenterology and GI Surgery

Apr 19, 2022

What is gastroenterology?

Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that deals with disorders arising from the digestive system and liver. This essentially means the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract which include all organs from the mouth to the anus. The gastrointestinal system is responsible for digesting and moving food, absorbing nutrients, and removing waste from your body. A gastroenterologist doctor who primarily diagnoses and treats gastrointestinal disease in patients suffering from certain diseases and disorders of the GI tract & liver.

best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon

When should I see a gastroenterologist?

Having abdominal pain, loose motion, constipation, heart burn, difficulty swallowing, blood in your stool, jaundice, abdominal distention, gall bladder, and Bile duct stones are all symptoms that require the care and attention of a gastroenterologist. For regular overall health, all men and women over the age of 50 should also meet with a gastroenterologist for preventive care as the risk of colon cancer greatly increases above this age.

How can I find the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon?

Out of the hundreds of gastroenterologists available, it’s very important that you choose the correct one to suit your needs. Several things like the hospital the gastroenterologist works at and the credentials of the gastroenterologist are factors to take into consideration when making this choice.

  • Types of Services offered – Gastroenterology is a broad field and thus, the problems arising from it and complex and differing. Thus, it’s important to know what services are offered by your gastroenterologist. Adding to this, once your disease has been diagnosed, you need to make sure that the gastroenterologist not only has the capability for the procedures/treatment required but also specializes in specifically that.
  • Area of Knowledge – While several medical degrees are impressive, you need to make sure that your gastroenterologist specializes in the disease that you suffer from.
  • Medical Cost – Your gastroenterology disease may be a long-lasting one, and therefore, it’s important to take the cost of your gastroenterologist in mind. Moreover, check if your insurance is compatible with certain doctors and hospitals before finalizing your choice.

Now that you’ve figured out a few tips on choosing the best gastroenterologist in Gurgaon for you, start researching. You could even begin with referrals from family, friends, or your current gastroenterologist doctor. Another great place to start is at Paras Hospital’s Institute of Gastroenterology and GI surgery.

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