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Breast Cancer prevention: How to reduce your risk

Breast Cancer prevention: How to reduce your risk
in Oncology

Apr 19, 2022

Prevention of Breast cancer starts with healthy habits — such as limiting alcohol and staying physically active.  You can do a lot to reduce your breast cancer risk. Changes in Lifestyle have been shown in studies to decrease breast cancer risk even in high-risk women. Some risk factors, such as family history, can’t be changed. However, there are lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk.

Lifestyle and Preventing Breast Cancer:

Control your weight – Especially after menopause: Keep a check on your weight by exercising regularly, keeping a check on what you eat and avoiding foods that can adversely affect your body.

Be active – This reduces the risk of breast cancer directly as well as indirectly by controlling your weight. Opt for at least 30 minutes of exercise.

Breastfeeding – This is a must & the longer one continues higher protection is conferred upon. Hence all pregnant mothers should opt for breastfeeding their newborns exclusively for 6 months.

Quit Smoking Today – It is much more dangerous in premenopausal women. Smoking can adversely affect the health of the body and cause complications.

Limit alcohol – You should opt to limit your alcohol intake.

Hormone Replacement Therapy – This should be for limited duration. Discuss the same with your doctor and ensure that you take the same as prescribed.

Avoid pollution at all cost – Avid going to locations that have high carcinogenic elements.

Be aware of radiation hazards – Avoid too many x-ray, CAT scans, etc.

Opt for a healthy diet – A healthy diet is the best way to prevent breast cancer or any other ailment. Opting for a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best for all.

Birth Control Pills – Older versions of the birth control bills had breast cancer risk and progression as a risk. However the new ones are free from the side effects. If you are in your 50’s and were prescribed birth control pills before 1990’s, its best that you get your breast cancer risk assessed.

Opt for timely detection – If you experience any abnormality like a lump, discharge from your breasts, etc. It is best that you consult a breast cancer specialist at the earliest.

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