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Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers
in Gynecology & Obstetrics

Apr 19, 2022

Breastfeeding is a natural, specific gesture. But let’s debunk a myth: it may not be easy or immediate. Also because in the last 30-40 years several generations of mothers have artificially suckled. Here are some essential breastfeeding tips for new mothers:

  • The breast milk is the best food for the baby and because the active ingredients that make it up are by their very nature the most suitable to the nutritional needs of the baby, because it is perfectly hygienic and always available, plus the right temperature.
  • Teach your baby to stick well: the great secret of a good start of breastfeeding is to make sure that the baby immediately attaches to the breast correctly, i.e., grabbing not only the nipple but the entire areola. Just in this way sucking becomes effective that on the one hand ensures a constant and abundant supply of milk to the baby. On the other, it stimulates a continuous and conspicuous production of new fluid. Also, this avoids the risk of nipple fissures, which are not significant from a strictly medical point of view but are in fact fearful for the intense pain they cause.
  • In the early times following the request: in the first six weeks of life the baby should be attached to the breast at least eight times within 24 hours, that is at least once every three hours. The International Pediatric Community believes that it is appropriate to opt for breastfeeding on demand, which consists in supporting the child even if he complains about milk more often than expected, or even 12 times a day. It has been observed that the babies nursed on demand tend to either give up the night feeding or settle, with the passing of the days, close to the six foods in the 24 hours.
  • Adopt comfortable positions: during the breastfeeding, the emotional bond between mother and child is strengthened, due to the close physical contact. It is therefore essential not to waste these moments assuming postures that can cause the appearance of pains or, the ones that do not ensure the possibility of thoroughly enjoying the child’s closeness. Being able to relax while the baby sucks also promotes the flow of milk.
  • Regarding the duration, the baby swallows sufficient quantities of milk generally within a maximum of 20 minutes that can be distributed between the two breasts. But it can be even better to attack the baby with only one breast per meal because it has been observed that in this way the milk coming from the deep galactophores is more satiating as richer in fats.
  • In principle, the nursing woman can eat whatever she wants. Garlic, onions, cabbage, and peppers can, however, make the taste of milk unpleasant for the child, so if you observe that after consuming them the baby sucks less willingly, it is better to exclude them from your diet.
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