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Exercising and Being Active with Haemophilia A

Exercising and Being Active with Haemophilia A
in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

Haemophilia is an inherited disease caused by the genetic disorder, in which ability of blood to clot in impaired, thereby the natural tendency to stop bleeding is impaired.This happens due to deficiency of clotting factor VIII in blood.This may lead to prolonged bleeding after injury and increased risk of spontaneous bleeding inside joints or brain.  Although haemophilia A is a congenital disorder, it is uncaused for excessive bleeding to be noticed until babies are about 6 months old when they crawl or walk. Minor injuries lead to superficial bruising or haemarthrosis bleeding.

Is there is a cure for Hemophilia?

Currently, there is no cure for haemophilia.Research is going on to find a cure. Possibly gene therapy can cure haemophilia is future.Though there is no cure, care of haemophilia patients is important treatment improves outcomes. Rapid treatment of bleeding episodes mitigates the damage to the body.

Types of Hemophilia and Complications Associated:

Haemophilia is classified on the basis of severity as mild, moderate and severe.

In mild form, major injury or surgery results in excessive bleeding. Surgery causes hematoma in severe varieties and may also cause spontaneous bleeding tissues and joints. Managing haemophilia needs comprehensive approaches which includes prevention, care and palliation. Haemophilia can be diagnosed even before birth if family history is there.

Controlling the episodes of acute bleeding by infusion of factor VIII is of paramount importance, care of associate pain by analgesics, deformity by physiotherapy and emotional care by physiotherapy are important to cope up with the trauma.

The long-term impacts of haemophilia are a joint disorder of the knees, elbow etc, and atrophy of muscles. The other aspects may include brain haemorrhage associated with the life-threatening complication.

Any surgery if needed in haemophilia patients requires factor VIII, according to the condition of the patient.

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