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Flu Season: Importance of Getting a Flu Shot

Flu Season: Importance of Getting a Flu Shot
in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

Flu Season: Importance of Getting a Flu Shot

 Flu season is an annually recurring time duration  distinguished by the prevalence of outbreaks of influenza. The season occurs during the cold half of the year in each hemisphere. Influenza activity can sometimes be predicted and even tracked geographically.

The typical flu season occurs   from fall to early spring. The length and severity of an epidemic may vary. Few lucky people can get through the season flu-free. But be prepared to be surrounded by sneezing and coughing for some months out of each year.

Symptoms of flu basically include:

  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • The flu virus changes and adapts every year, which is why it’s so widespread and difficult to ignore. New vaccines are created and released each year to keep up with these rapid changes. Before each new flu season, federal health experts predict which three strains of the flu are most likely to thrive. They use that information to manufacture the suitable vaccines.
  • The flu shot works because it prompts your immune system to supply In turn, these antibodies support  the body fight off the types of flu virus that are present in the vaccine. After receiving the flu shot it takes about two weeks for these antibodies to fully develop.

Flu shots are safe for most of the people. The vaccine contains four times the quantity  of antigens compared to a normal-dose. Antigens are the components of the flu vaccine that stimulate the immune system’s production of antibodies, which combat the flu virus flu vaccine can give them the flu.

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