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Gastro Tips in Summer

Gastro Tips in Summer
in Gastroenterology and GI Surgery

Apr 19, 2022

The world is passing through unprecedented time. There is countrywide lockdown and everyone is confined to home. Schools and colleges are closed, and most of people have cancelled their summer trips to different tourist places. This year summer in India settled from March month and now mercury is rising day by day. Indian Meteorological Department has suggested a warmer than normal summer days.
Generally, when we talk about summer we discuss about cold beverages like lassi, thandai, ice-creams, fresh juices to cooldown our body.
Yes, with summer also comes various stomach related issues. Generally, in summer the incidences related digestion-related illness such as typhoid, food poisoning, diarrhoea and viral fever increases. So, we need to consider an increment in temperature and keep check on our food habits.

Things to remember gastrointestinal problems in summer:

• Keep hydrated: Drink keep yourself hydrated – drink water. Consume seasonal fruits such as litchi, watermelon, musk melon, kiwi, cucumber, mangoes and berries to maintain body temperature.
• Eat freshly prepared food. If the food has been cooked prior either boil it or fry it before consuming it.
• Avoid road-side food items. Street food may be infected with E. coli which can cause intestinal infection leading to abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and fever
• Increase fiber intake: Food items which are high in fibre such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits can improve your digestive tract. A high-fiber diet helps in avoiding constipation.
• Consume probiotic-rich foods: Yoghurt is the best source of probiotics. It is packed with proteins and bacteria that make digestion easier and better. Yoghurt in plain or flavored form provides relief from diarrhea
• Avoid Fatty food: Fatty foods, generally, curb the digestive process. It is advisable to avoid intake of fatty substances in food items during summers
• Limit coffee: Excessive intake of caffeine may increase stomach problems like stomach ulcers, acidity, and heartburn
• Gastroenteritis: This is the most common stomach infection seen across all age groups. Vomiting, blood in motions, watery motions with froth, dehydration, severe pain in the abdomen are the first symptoms and when not treated initially can cause severe damage like dehydration and sometimes even unconsciousness due to weakness.
• Jaundice: It is a very common infection of the liver. Patient may have symptoms like nausea, itching on skin, bitter tongue, and pale look of the face with a yellow coloration of the eye. Contaminated water or unhygienic food is the main reason for this infection.
• Typhoid: It is water-borne disease, seen very commonly in summers. Symptoms includes high fever with fatigue, weakness, stomach, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Don’t try to treat by yourself always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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