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Hereditary Pancreatitis and symptoms of Pancreatitis

Hereditary Pancreatitis and symptoms of Pancreatitis
in Gastroenterology and GI Surgery

Apr 19, 2022

Hereditary Pancreatitis

Hereditary pancreatitis is rare and is a genetically inherited disorder which results in recurring occurrences of acute pancreatitis. Symptoms comprise of occurrences of nausea, abdominal pain & vomiting. With time, a patient loses his endocrine function, resulting in diabetes & nutritional deficiencies. Hereditary pancreatitis most likely makes an earlier commencement than an alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis, although malabsorption and diabetes tend to take place sometime later in life. Progressive disease, the hereditary pancreatitis may develop and turn into chronic pancreatitis. Individuals having hereditary pancreatitis also are at 40% lifetime risk of having pancreatic cancer.
In the families, wherein unexplained pancreatitis affects 2 or more 1st degree relatives (or 3 or more 2nd degree relatives) in at least 2 generations, however, the genetic mutation hasn’t been identified, this condition is known as familial and not hereditary pancreatitis.

Acute Pancreatitis: Symptoms

The symptoms of acute pancreatitis are:
• Severe and steady pain in upper-middle area of abdomen, even also radiating across the back
• Low-grade fever
• Jaundice
• Vomiting or Nausea
• Clammy skin
• Lowered blood pressure
• Unusual stiffness in abdomen or mass which is felt
• Bruising in the flanks & midsection
• Abdominal bloating & tenderness
• Tissue death or tissue of pancreas becoming necrotic
• Pancreatic pseudocyst, an abnormal deposit of tissue, debris and fluid that could result after occurrences of acute pancreatitis, usually 1 – 4 weeks post the onset.
• Pancreatic abscess

Chronic pancreatitis: Symptoms

Symptoms can develop across time with no sudden or dramatic occurrence of some acute attack. But those having unidentified chronic pancreatitis, can develop acute occurrences. In case of chronic pancreatitis, there is decline in secretion of the enzymes required for digestion & absorption of dietary fat. Fat digestion gets reduced and this results in fatty stools. This is known as exocrine insufficiency. Recurring pain in abdomen can be accompanied with nausea & loss of weight. Diagnosis scan can identify stones or the areas with calcified tissue within pancreas.
Symptoms of a Chronic pancreatitis thus comprise of:
• Weight loss
• Back and/or abdominal pain
• Nausea & vomiting
• Pale colored and oily stools
• Commencement of diabetes mellitus

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