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Is HIV a Communicable Disease?

Is HIV a Communicable Disease?
in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

HIV or AIDS is a disease that is feared by many and is associated with various social stigmas. It is regarded as a death defining and life altering disease with no cure. However it should be noted that today with advancements, a patient can survive for a number of years with optimum anti viral medication. Over the years the governments all across the globe have tried to educate the public and generate awareness on the aspect that HIV is not communicable. Patients should not be discriminated and should  be allowed to lead a healthy and happy life. They should also eb supported by the public and the community.

What is HIV?

Infection with HIV(Human Immunodeficiency  Virus )and its sequelae or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) is transmitted primarily by sexual contact and by blood and blood products and infected mothers to infants intrapartum,perinatally or postpartum via breast milk,needle sharing during injection drug use and percutaneous needle stick,organ tissue transplantation, artificial insemination,splash exposures to mucusmembranes or non contact skin.

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Is HIV communicable?

There is no evidence that HIV or AIDS is transmitted by casual contact or that the virus can be spread by insect such as by mosquito bite, spitting,by sweal,tears,sharing clothes,drinking fountains and tape water,phones,toilet papers,sharing meal,bus,trains or boats os a closed mouth kiss or working with or being around someone with HIV.

So HIV is no longer infectious,contagious or communicable in most setting in general environment as per CDC Guidelines.

As per Centre for Disease Control(CDC) guidelines,the disease HIV or AIDS should not be  considered infectious or contagious or communicable for preplacements, medical examination for healthcare and for medical screening forms for other workers and for food employee positive for HIV if he/she is not suffering from other infectious disease that can be transmitted through food supply.

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