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How to keep my bones healthy

How to keep my bones healthy
in Computer navigation technology for joint replacements

Apr 19, 2022

Bone loss, brittle bone area major issues that the older population faces. 65% of women post menopause are at risk of developing osteoporosis and suffering from fractures and joint pains. In fact, 1 in 5 people post the age of 55 is susceptible to suffer from a high-risk fracture. Hence it is important for each one of us to be prepared to fight bone loss, bone thinning and joint pain issues. Right diet nutrition and exercise are few of the aspects that need attention and action.

Tips for Healthy Bones

Tips to keep your bones healthy:

  • Include plenty of calcium in your diet– The recommended dietary allowance for adults aged 19 – 50 years and men aged 51 – 70 years is 1,000 mg of calcium per day. For women post 50 and meg post 70 years of age, the recommendation rises to 1,200 mg per day.

Good sources of calcium comprise of almonds, dairy products, kale, broccoli, sardines, canned salmon with bones & soy products like tofu. If one finds it tough to get an adequate amount of calcium in their diet, they should consult their doctors regarding taking supplements.

  • Be attentive to Vitamin D– Our body requires Vitamin D for absorbing calcium. The recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin D for adults aged 19 – 70 years is 600 international units or IUs every day. This recommendation rises to 800 IUS daily for adults aged 71 years and above. Good sources of vitamin D comprise of oily fish like tuna & sardines, fortified milk, and egg yolks. Sunlight too contributes to the body’s production of vitamin D. if one is worried about getting adequate vitamin D they should consult their doctor regarding taking supplements.
  • Including physical activities in our daily routines– Weight-bearing activities like jogging, tennis, walking & climbing stairs can assist us in building strong bones & slower the bone loss.
  • Avoid substance abuse– We should not be smoking at all and avoid drinking too.
  • Seek the help of doctors – If someone is concerned regarding their health of bones or their risk factors for osteoporosis including some recent fracture of the bone, they should consult a doctor. The doctor can recommend a bone density test. The results shall help the doctor to gauge the bone density and also help in determining the rate of bone loss. Post the evaluation of this information and about the risk factors, the doctor can assess if one may be a candidate requiring medication to assist slow bone loss.
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