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Is Cerebral Palsy a Progressive Disorder?

Is Cerebral Palsy a Progressive Disorder?
in Neurology

Apr 19, 2022

Cerebral Palsy is a blanket term also commonly known as “CP” and defined by the impairment or loss of motor function. It is a condition which results from damage to the brain. Damage to the brain is a result of injury or brain or the abnormal brain development which takes place when the brain of a child is developing – prior to its birth, during its birth or immediately post birth.

CP affects the movement of the body, muscle control, coordination of muscles, muscle tone, balance, and reflex. It can also have an impact on fine motor skills, oral motor functioning, and gross motor skills.

Understand  Cerebral Palsy?

CP results from injury to brain or brain malformation. Patients with CP are most likely born with such condition, however, some do acquire it later. However, it is currently widely agreed that birth complications only account for a small percentage of around 10 % of CP cases. CP mainly results from abnormal development of the brain before birth or during labor & delivery. Accidents, medical malpractice, abuse, infections, negligence, and injury are few known risk factors which can result in CP.

Cerebral Palsy leads to Physical impairment

A patient with CP very likely shows signs of physical impairment. But the type of movement dysfunction, location & number of limbs that are involved and also the extent of the impairment varies from 1 patient to the other. It also affects legs, arms & even faces, it also affects 1 limb, several or all.

CP affects the muscles & an individual’s ability to control the muscles. Muscles can contract, too much or too little or also all at once. Limbs can be stiff & forced into taking painful and awkward postures. Fluctuating muscle contractions make the limbs tremble, writhe or shake.



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