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No Breast Feeding Room in Public Places! - Effect on Mother and Child.

No Breast Feeding Room in Public Places! - Effect on Mother and Child.
in Mother & Child

Apr 19, 2022

We have been promoting ‘Breast Feeding’ knowing its numerous benefits to the new born child and mom. We understand how uncomfortable it’s for a new mom and family when they are not able to find a ‘Feeding Room’, especially in the city we live in – Gurgaon, a place full of young parents. While having a general discussion with my colleagues at work-young minds who take pride in being social change leaders- an idea was conceived – To sign a petition to make necessary arrangements for the ‘birth right’ of a child- Breast feeding. I personally welcome and salute this idea.

Breast feeding & associated stress:

We all know the benefits of breast feeding a child for at least the first six months. I as a mother understand the same and have faced the discomfort and insensitivity of the public places as I chose for exclusive breast feeding too- for both my daughters.

Life suddenly became restricted; socializing with my husband along with our infant became a punishment. Our socializing timings became separate and so did our company. In fact travelling by train, bus or eating out at popular restaurants became difficult as a common issue troubled us – the cry of my baby daughter for hunger.

Such instances and separation from your husband can often create mental and emotional stress. A woman starts feeling isolated and she feels that because of a change in her priorities her relationship with her husband is suffering. Differences, neglect, irritation manifest and the hormonal changes in a woman’s body compound the issues further. It’s a cost that a woman has to bare for loving her bundle of joy more!

But stepping out is a therapy post delivery:

Post delivery, a woman’s body goes through numerous changes – physical, hormonal, emotional. All these cumulatively make her more vulnerable. Stepping out and spending time with her friends, family, husband or evening going out for shopping or a beauty session, helps a woman’s morale. Carrying her baby along to these places empowers her and ensures that her most prized possession is in front of her eyes.

But while tiny eyes enjoy the scenery of numerous glittery lights, strange noise and new faces, the tiny stomach demands! And mothers look for a place to feed the baby. Here are some of the common responses:

“Yuck! I can’t feed her in a toilet”.

“Let’s go to the parking and I’ll feed her in the car”.

“The car is too claustrophobic for me and the baby.”

“I can’t eat because my baby needs to be fed. But where do I go?”

And outside the elevators howling kids, upset the mothers and irritate the Dad’s!!!

And hence every mother makes the tough decision to stay at home, so that you can save yourself from the guilt of keeping your child hungry, as you couldn’t find a suitable place. Your fun trip’s, eat outs, shopping beauty sessions all get truncated or postponed. All appearances are taken care by your husband, he goes alone. But yes as you hug your loved one, you feel alone and unappreciated.

Remember – Push your requests to change others:

How easy could your life be if the mall you go to has a breast feeding room essay writer for free?

If the metro station has a room to take care of your child’s hunger?

If while waiting for a train, there is a breast feeding room at the railway station?

If the restaurant that you want to go to has a special room where your child can also have her fill?

If yes- it’s time to join the momentum of change and request the civil, private and public authorities to consider the same. Let’s join this initiative to make our public places more mother friendly!

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