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Symptoms of Autism

Symptoms of Autism
in Neurology

Apr 19, 2022

Autism spectrum disorder is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs a child’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It also includes restricted repetitive behaviours, interests and activities. These issues cause significant impairment in social, occupational and other areas of functioning. Given below are the types of signs and symptoms that Autism is associated with.

Social Interactions & Relationships –

Symptoms could include:-

  • Significant issues in the development of non-verbal communication skills like eye to eye contact, body posture and facial expressions
  • Failure in establishing friendships with the other children of same age.
  • Lacking interest in sharing achievements, enjoyment or interests with others.
  • Lacking empathy. People having autism could find it difficult comprehending the feelings of others suc as sorrow or pain.
  • Contrary to the popular myth regarding kids having autism, very few ‘live in the world of their own’ or remain completely socially isolated

Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication –

  • Lack of or delay in, learning to speak. Around 40% people having autism don’t speak
  • Issues starting a conversation. Also, individuals having autism find it tough to continue a talk when it has started.
  • Stereotyped & repetitive language –usage. Individuals having autism often keep repeating phrases they heard earlier (echolalia).
  • Difficulties to understand the perspective of their listeners. i.e. An individual having autism may not comprehend that somebody is using humour. The individual with autism could interpret the communication word by word yet fail to get the implied meaning of it.

Limited Interests in Play or Activities-

  • An unusual focus on pieces. Autism-affected younger children often focus on toy’s parts like wheels, rather than play with it.

Symptoms during childhood

  • Symptoms of Autism generally are first noticed by parents & other guardians sometime in the first three years. Though autism is congenital, signs of disorder could be tough to identify during infancy stage.
  • Parents usually get concerned when their little kid doesn’t like to be held, doesn’t seem to have interest in playing few games and doesn’t start talking.
  • Sometimes children having autism start talking at same age like other normal children but lose their language skills.
  • Parents also become confused regarding their children’s ability to hear.It usually seems that children having autism do not hear, yet at the other times, they could appear to hear some distant background sound or noise like the whistle of a train.
  • With early precise treatment, most of the children to improve their abilities to communicate, relate to others,& help themselves throughout their growth.


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