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Viral Fever Causes and Overview

Viral Fever Causes and Overview
in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

Viral Fever caused by viruses are among the most frequent causes of illness in adults. Common viral fever symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, hoarseness, and muscle aches. Viruses also may causes diarrhea, vomiting, or an upset stomach.

scrub typhus viral fever as the name suggests is a condition that spreads from one person to another through direct contact with the person’s bodily fluids. When a person suffering from coughs, sneezes, yawns or even talks they tend to spray tiny particles of fluid that contain bacteria and viruses from their body. If you are close  bacteria enter your body through your nose or mouth and infect you. Once infected it takes surrounding from 16 hours to 48 hours to turn into a full-blown infection.

viral fever signs and symptoms:

viral fever signs and symptoms often overlap other common and serious conditions it is pertinent to know about the viral fever symptoms that can help you differentiate between a viral fever and other scrub typhus diseases. The following point  you need to keep an eye out for are a very high fever that is either of the following:

  •    Intermittent in nature.
  •    Occurs along with chills
  •    Doesn’t subside with medicines
  •    Has been present for a long time

Other viral fever symptoms are include severe pain surrounding the joints, vomiting, swelling of the face and a rash. If you experience any of these symptoms make it a point to visit your health practitioner immediately. There  are tips to keep common monsoon diseases at bay

Home remedies to deal with viral fever:

The common home remedies to deal with viral fever at home include –

  • Coriander tea
  • Dill seeds decoction
  • Tulsi leaves
  • Rice Starch
  • Dry ginger mixture
  • Fenugreek water

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