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What Are The Psychological Problems Among Women?

What Are The Psychological Problems Among Women?
in Gynecology & Obstetrics

Apr 19, 2022

Women often go through depression. If you think you are experiencing a great load of stress these days, you are not alone. A large number of women think so. This is one of the common psychological problems women suffer. And this is pretty normal. However, a prolonged spell of depression or stress can be dangerous to some extent as it can lug along various other health problems.

So, what are the common psychological problems in women?

Depression: Depression is twice as common and prevalent in women as in men. If we go by the facts, one in four women will experience clinical or chronic depression once in her lifetime.

Phobia: Phobia is a fear of something. Women can develop phobia more quickly than men can. From cockroaches to sunlight and from oily food to noise pollution – women can be fearful of just anything.

Suicidal tendencies: Suicide is a painful decision. Before carrying this act, women go through an intense spell of psychological problems. The only way out seems to be ending it all.

Eating Disorder: Young women are more vulnerable to various eating disorders. However, there is no denying the fact that this can affect older women as well. To name a few, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, although common in the western population, are spreading their wings in India.

Post Traumatic Disorder: This psychological condition appears after frequent events of panic, phobia, some anxiety disorder, breakups, and other painful or fearful traumatic incidences.

Avoiding Psychological Problems

Since women are more at risk of mental health conditions, they should be more open and active for ridding of them. With lifestyle practices, psychological problems can be controlled. Such as –

  • Yoga and Meditation: These techniques allow you to control your thoughts and give you a better understanding of everyday situations that might come your way. In addition to mind, they support a healthy body, in which a healthy mind lives.
  • Comedy Shows: As per a research, watching your favourite comedian perform helps alleviate negative thoughts and keep your mind healthy.
  • Eat Healthily: Grabbing healthy food can be linked to a healthy mind. Therefore, it is advisable to follow a healthy diet plan. See your doctor/nutritionist and start right away!
  • Play with your Pets: This is known to be a great stress reliever exercise. Your pet’s acts and gestures of unconditional love simply flush away all your stress.
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