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What causes white spots on the skin?

What causes white spots on the skin?
in Dermatology

Apr 19, 2022

Vitiligo, also called as Leucoderma is a  disease in which the skin forms white patches. It occurs when melanocyte cells stop producing melanin, either because they die or because they stop functioning. Vitiligo signs include:

  • Patchy loss of skin color
  • Premature whitening or graying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard
  • Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth and nose (mucous membranes)
  • Loss of or change in color of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina)

Vitiligo can start at any age, but often appears before age 20.

Causes of vitiligo are unclear but this skin condition is thought to be an autoimmune disease. Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D and vitamin E can cause white patches on the skin. One needs a healthy and balanced diet to fight this disease. White spots on your skin are typical and varies with age .

People with vitiligo may be at increased risk of:

  • Social or psychological distress
  • Sunburn and skin cancer
  • Eye problems, such as inflammation of the iris
  • Hearing loss

Treatment modalities include both medication as well as surgery, which is best suggested by the doctor.

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