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Mar 2, 2024

30 yrs old patient from Turkmenistan successfully diagnosed for Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon– Given correct treatment after months of misdiagnoses

30 yrs old patient from Turkmenistan successfully diagnosed for Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon– Given correct treatment after months of misdiagnoses

For the 30 yrs old patient from Turkmenistan, the trip to India actually proved to end her woes. The team of pulmonologists headed by Dr Arunesh Kumar at Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon were able to successfully diagnose the underlying ailment of the Turkmenis  national who was misdiagnosed by various doctors in numerous countries.

Patient, Gavhar Usanova, 30 Yrs old female from Turkmenistan presented with the history of rattling sensation in the throat and was seen by an ENT surgeon in various private hospitals. During the investigation, CT scan – chest, she was found to have inflammation in her lungs. Her reports also highlighted that she had raised ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody), for which she consulted a rheumatologist. In the absence of chest symptoms, all her other symptoms were thought to be because of her rheumatological problem, suggesting an autoimmune complication. However despite taking medication for the same, her symptoms did not subside.

She was later referred to Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon where she consulted Dr Arunesh Kumar, Sr Consultant Pulmonology at Paras Chest Institute. Based on her recent CT scan, she was recommended a bronchoscopy (an endoscopic technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes) and trans-bronchial biopsy (a procedure in which a bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth to collect several pieces of lung tissue).

Ms Gavhar Usanova’s BAL (Broncho Alveolar Lavage) – a medical procedure in which a bronchoscope is passed through the mouth or nose into the lungs and fluid is squirted into a small part of the lung and then collected for examination. It is typically performed to diagnose lung disease – highlighted the presence of Acid fast Bacilli signifying the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Post this discovery, with in less than 6 hours, the team of doctors including  microbiologists  were able to arrive at a formal diagnosis and initiated the correct form of treatment, which she wasn’t getting for more than 5 months including a medical trip to Egypt.

According to Dr Arunesh Kumar, Sr Consultant Pulmonology, Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon, “Pulmonary TB is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M .tuberculosis). Pulmonary TB is curable with an early diagnosis and anti TB treatment. The common signs and symptoms associated with Pulmonary Tuberculosis are – phlegm in the cough, Blood in the sputum , chest pains, shortness of breath, weight loss and fever. The same can be diagnosed through a Sputum test ,CT Scan, Bronchoscopy, thoracentesis and lung biopsy.  However in numerous cases the right diagnostic  tests are not used and the patient is commonly misdiagnosed. Ms.Gavhar  Usanova’s case was also a typical.”

Due to the right detection, Ms.Gavhar Usanova was recommended the correct treatment plan, which is pivotal in Pulmonary Tuberculosis management. When we discussed the case the progress with Ms.GavharUsanova, she shared, “ I am pretty much impressed with the accuracy and the speed of the diagnosis and the management of my lung condition. I have consulted numerous doctors in Turkmenistan and Turkey, however no one was able to correctly diagnose my condition and suggest the right treatment plan. I thank Dr Arunesh and shall remain indebted to him.”

Paras Chest Institute offers a comprehensive management of chest diseases from diagnosis and management of chest diseases. The Institute specializes in providing  medical and surgical diagnostics including  Bronchoscopy , Endo bronchial ultrasound under conscious sedation , full pulmonary function test( with DLCO) , FeNO, Thoracic Ultrasound,  VATS throacoscopy, Medistinoscopy, Open thoracotomy . Paras Chest Institutes also provides management of lung cancers from initial diagnosis to surgical and/or oncological treatment.