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Mar 2, 2024

Information To Raise The Awareness On Brain Tumor- Paras Darbhanga

Information To Raise The Awareness On Brain Tumor- Paras Darbhanga

On the eve of World Brain Tumor Day, the neurosurgeons and the administration of Paras Global Hospital, Darbhanga spread awareness on the fact that Brain Tumor treatment needs timely detection and the correct medical expertise. Dr Md Ejaz Alam, Consultant Neurosurgery along with Dr Anand, Unit Head, highlighted that Paras Darbhanga is the only hospital in Mithilanchal to provide state of the art neurological care for brain tumor surgery.

Paras DarbhangaPress Conference on World Brain Tumor Day is the only hospital in the region to have state of the art operation theatres, C arm technology, and radiology support for diagnosis – CT Imaging. The hospital is also supported by a team of experts in critical care, neurology and allied specialties to provide comprehensive care to the patients.

According to Dr Md Ejaz Alam, Consultant Neurosurgery at Paras Darbhanga, following are the key aspects about Brain Tumor:

About Brain Tumors:

Brain Tumors do not discriminate. Primary Brain Tumors – those that begin in the Brain and tend to stay in the Brain – occur in people of all ages, but they are statistically more frequent in children and older adults. Metastatic Brain Tumors – those that begin as a cancer elsewhere in the body and spread to the brain – are more common in adults than children.

The incidence (newly diagnosed cases of cancer in a year) of Brain Tumors in India is about 2 patients per 1,00,000 population, while the morality rate (deaths due to brain cancer) is a little less than 2 patients per 1,00,000 population. According to medical experts for brain tumors -“Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is key.”

What is Brain Tumor?

Brain Tumor is collection of abnormal cells in the brain. It may be malignant (cancer) or benign (non-cancerous). Any increase in size of tumor causes pressure on the brain that may be the cause of death.

What are the causes of Brain Tumors?

There is no specific cause of Brain Tumor.  Radiation, family history may be the cause of Tumor.

What are the symptoms of Brain Tumor ?

  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty in vision, hearing
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Abnormal behavior
  • Speech impairment

What are the investigations required to diagnose and confirm brain tumor?

  • Clinical examination by neurosurgeon
  • CT SCAN of head
  • MRI of Brain
  • Biopsy of Lesion

How is Brain Tumor treated?

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is key to better outcome of brain tumor treatment.

Treatment options are:

  • Neurosurgery
  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy

Surgery remains the Gold Standard for Treatment

Most of the Brain Tumor requires urgent Surgical Intervention. With fine Neurosurgery and better operative instruments ,any Brain Tumor can be operated  with Good Results.