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Mar 2, 2024

Paras HMRI Hospital and Dr Dharminder Kumar Nagar celebrated Diwali by supporting a Girl Orphanage. Distributed sweets, candles and donated for the development of the establishment.

Paras HMRI Hospital and Dr Dharminder Kumar Nagar celebrated Diwali by supporting a Girl Orphanage. Distributed sweets, candles and donated for the development of the establishment.

Patna, 20 October 2017: Diwali, as we know, is the most awaited festival for Indians all across the world every year. It is a festival that marks the victory of good over evil and reminds us to do our bit for the betterment of the community.

Celebrating Diwali with Orphans at Paras HMRI Hospital

Paras Health Managing Director, Dr Dharminder Kumar Nagar and Facility Director Paras HMRI Hospital, Dr. Talat Halim celebrated Diwali with 90 orphans at Rainbow Homes Orphanage situated at Rajvanshinagar. Dharminder Kumar Nagar distributed sweets and gifts to the kids. The kids also performed a special dance to honor the dignitaries and highlighted their talents mine by showcasing group performances. PARAS HMRI also donated for the development of the orphanage and celebrated Diwali by hosting a special lunch for the kids.

Diwali celebrations at Paras HMRI Hospital
According to Dr Dharminder Kumar Nagar, “Paras Health is a major healthcare provider in Bihar. We are for the people of this state and it is our endeavor to serve every stratum of this society. Each festival in our country actually has a profound meaning and us through our numerous initiatives aimed at making a difference and bringing about a change. Our association with the orphanage is a display of compassion and respect for the people who ensure that the girls get a safe and secure haven. In the future also we shall continue to support as many social initiatives as possible.”

Dr. Talat Halim also shared, “Paras Health is a healthcare organization with a strong social conscious. We honor people who are making a difference and we also try and support their endeavors. The smiles on the faces of these girls are blessings and motivation for us.”

Dr. Talat Halim distributing gifts

The event was also supported by medical professionals and doctors from the hospital. Dr. Prakash Sinha, Consultant Pulmonology at Paras HMRI Hospital Patna shared the importance of celebrating a green and safe Diwali. He shared, “Every action has a reaction. The crackers that you burst today will hurt you tomorrow. Patna city has one of the most dangerous levels of harmful gases. The post-Diwali air in Patna is extremely dangerous and harmful. Each one of us has to step forward and avoid bursting crackers and opt for a cleaner environment. If you are feeling restless or are experiencing difficulty while breathing, it is best that you consult a specialist at the earliest.”