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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Paras Hospital Saves Shopkeeper with Neck Nearly Cut in Half

Paras Hospital Saves Shopkeeper with Neck Nearly Cut in Half
  • Because of an epileptic attack, he fell on a glass shelf because of which the neck got severely damaged
  • Dr Shamim Khurram Azmi carried out surgery for two hours and saved the man’s life; blood was also transfused

Darbhanga, 27 February 2018: Paras Global Hospital, Darbhanga managed to save the life of Gopalpur resident, 28 yo Anees Kumar Yadav, after his neck got nearly cut in half. A shopkeeper by profession, Yadav was at his shop when he got an epileptic attack and fell on a glass shelf. Consequently, he hurt his neck badly and started bleeding heavily. He was brought under emergency to Sakli where no doctor could treat him. He was then brought to Darbhanga and taken to other hospitals but in vain. He was eventually brought to Paras Global Hospital, Darbhanga where he was admitted in the emergency ward and was operated upon for two hours after which he managed to survive.

Dr Shamim Khurram Azmi, who carried out the operation said, “The patient was suffering from epilepsy and was on medication. However, he had not been taking the prescribed medicines for the past few days. Because of falling on the glass shelf, his blood vessel, artery got ruptured and bleeding started. He was brought to us in a half-dead situation but we shifted him to the operation theater where saline and blood were transfused into his body. We then worked on repairing the damaged artery, blood vessel so that there was no further blood loss. He was then kept in the ICU post operation. His condition started improving after this. He is now recovering fast.

The patient said, “I got to know from the villagers that I was almost dead. It is because of Paras Global Hospital that I have managed to survive. I thank Dr Azmi to give me a new lease of life by making use of state-of-the-art equipment and facilities available in the hospital.”