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Common Causes of Back Pain and Neck Pain

Common Causes of Back Pain and Neck Pain
in Spine Services

Apr 19, 2022

Examples of common status causing neck pain are degenerative disease, neck strain, neck injury like as in whiplash, a herniated disc, or a pinched nerve. It is the most important and common cause of acute back or neck pain . Muscle injury, is one of the most common cause for back pain in which muscle fibers stretch too far and tear. Muscle injury may be caused by overuse, like as from heavy lifting, as well as by repetitive motions that put continual stress on the back or neck muscles.While a muscle injury may not strong like a serious issue, the resulting pain can be severe. Several muscle injuries, alleviate within 6 weeks using treatments like as overthe-counter pain medicines, heat or ice therapy, or stretching exercises.

The most common source of chronic back pain is a lumbar spinal disc a sturdy, fibrous structure that acts as a ligament between vertebrae. A spinal disc can cause pain from:

• Lumbar disc herniation. A herniated disc occurs when the easily soft, gel as such material which is present in the interior of a disc, bulges or leaks outward, irritating nearby muscles, joints, or nerve roots. A herniated discbasically problem of sharp, stabbing pain down the backs of the legs sciatica which is basically several more pronounced than low back pain.

• Lumbar degenerative disc disease. Wear and tear on the spinal discs that region, chronic low back pain is known as degenerative disc disease. It status typically causes chronic, low-level low back pain that intermittently flares up for a some days or weeks before returning to normal or average .
Cervical discs absorb shock pair the bones. The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck support your head and allow for motion. Any abnormalities, inflammation, or injury can cause neck pain or stiffness. Sometimes, neck pain can also be caused by any physical injury.

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