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Pediatric OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)

Pediatric OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
in ENT

Apr 19, 2022

OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea means cessation of breathing during sleep caused by Obstruction to airways. This is always accompanied with snoring as a rule.

In children, this generally is caused by enlarged tonsils & adenoids.

When to Suspect:-

  • *In case of snoring & mouth breathing
  • *Failure to gain weight or Obesity
  • *Headaches
  • *Falling grades in school
  • *Drooling of saliva during sleep
  • *Bedwetting
  • *Restless Sleep
  • *Protrusion of Teeth
  • *In drawing of chin
  • *Hyperactivity in Behavior

What Happens If You Ignore Paediatric OSA

  • *Growth Failure –Mental & Physical
  • *Cardiovascular + Neurological Problems
  • *Seizure Disorders
  • *Diabetes
  • *Facial Anomalies

Treatment Options:

1 Medical Management: – Steroid Sprays. This can’t be used for long duration and its a Temporary Relief.

2 Appliances :- CPAP-Poor compliance in children.

3 Surgery :-  Removal of Adenoids and Excess Tonsillar Tissue- Coblation.

This has a benefit of

  •  Permanent Solution
  • Blood Less almost painless
  • With no side effects
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