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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Paras Hospitals Darbhanga Doctors remove 103 stones from the gall bladder of a 23 year-old girl - The surgery was done through laparoscopic method

Doctors at Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga, leading multi super specialty hospital of Mithila, successfully conducted a gall bladder surgery on a 23 yr old girl to remove 103 stones. The complex surgery was performed through the laparoscopic procedure.

The path breaking surgical procedure was performed by Dr AK Jha, Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgery, Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga.

Dr Jha highlighted that when the patient, Priyanka, arrived in the hospital, she was writhing in pain. When investigations were conducted it was found that she has 103 stones in her gall bladder due to which she was suffering from so much pain. The latest technology and diagnostic tools were able to detect the underlying issue of the patient fast so that timely treatment and management support could be provided to the patient.

Dr Jha further shared that Priyanka was initially reluctant to go for an operation as she thought that it will be a painful experience but when she was told that the operation will be done through laparoscopic method she readily agreed for the operation and now she is fine.

The laparoscopic procedure is a latest technique of performing surgeries. Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga is a pioneer in the region for the same. The hospital is equipped with the latest technology, supporting equipment, modular operation theaters and ICU set up. During a laparoscopic surgery the patient’s abdomen is approached through small incisions. The surgery is conducted with the help of cameras and telescopic equipment. Moreover post surgery discharge and recovery is fast. The patient doesn’t have to suffer the risk of blood loss, long term admission or too much medication.

Priyanka was discharged from the hospital the next day after the operation.

Priyanka who is recuperating after the one hour surgery said, “Initially, I was afraid of the operation. However, the laparoscopic method helped me to go for the surgery. I do feel a bit sore post surgery, but the absence of any stitches comforts me and provides me the confidence that I shall be well again.”

Surgeries through laparoscopic method do not require any intervention and there is also no fear of healing of the wounds with less or no chances of infection.

Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga is the first in the region to provide state of the art medical technology and medical expertise for laparoscopic surgery for appendix, hernia, piles to the people of Darbhanga. The hospital is also the first in the region to provide 24X7 emergency care services to the people of Darbhanga.