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Mar 2, 2024

We Can I Can: Children in Haryana Build a Glowing Human Chain to Fight the Darkness of Cancer

We Can I Can: Children in Haryana Build a Glowing Human Chain to Fight the Darkness of Cancer
  • 40% of cancer cases were detected from Haryana resulting in the highest number of cancer cases according to National Cancer Registry Program.
  • Paras Hospitals organize a human chain of 200 children from American Excelsior School, Gurugram under the logo “We Can I Can”.
  • Supported by Utsah Support group, doctors at Paras Hospitals explain how India has the highest premature death due to cancer.

Gurugram, Jan 2, 2018: As we mark the World Cancer Day on 4th February, it is a pity that despite having cancer rate lesser than the western countries, India has one of the highest premature deaths due to cancer. This is due to improper diagnosis, mismanagement or even ignorance of the symptoms that follow. Non-communicable diseases account for approximately 60% of deaths in the country. The median age for diagnosis of cancer in men was 54 and women were52 years. Approximately 200 children from American Excelsior School joined together to form a human chain of awareness symbolizing the cancer sign with the awareness logo “We Can I Can.”

The initiative was taken by UTSAAH Support group and given life by Paras Hospitals, Gurugram. As the program started the early morning at 9 am, the doctors enthusiastically joined the collegium of students. Dr. Vinay Samuel Gaikwad, Senior Consultant & Head, Surgical Oncology, Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon says “It is important for even children to be aware of the threat that cancer poses to India. Pediatric cancers also account for 6% of cancer cases. The altering environment and growing adversity have been major contributory factors for cancer. People must also know that excessive drinking and alcohol just does not cause cancer. It can be caused even by stress that we have been accustomed to. The leading cancers are a prostate cancer for men and cervical cancer for women. Tobacco-related and cervical cancers are especially treatable if detected early.”

In India, 71% of cancer deaths occur between the age of 31-39 years. There are various signs and abnormalities that one should be wary of. Vaccinations and regular screening have helped aid the prevention of cancers. Most of the cancers in India are treatable but they need to be diagnosed early. Often most, cancer treatment is considered expensive. But governmental assistance has come a long way to support it. It has been seen that there is a greater incidence of cancer in urban areas than rural areas.

Dr. Vinay Samuel Gaikwad, Senior Consultant &Head, Surgical Oncology says “It is important to get your daughters vaccinated against the HPV virus that can cause a probability of cervical cancer. Every minute, 8 women in India are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Even for breast cancer, it is possible to watch out for the signs that signify the cancerous growth shown in lumpy breasts with abnormal patches on the skin. Therapies for cancer have been made affordable. It is important for every individual who turns 40 to get a proper health checkup done.“

Biopsies and tests during cancer screening have been thought of being invasive and painful. With non-evasive technologies that have come into play, cancer screening and treatment have been made less painful. The effects of therapies for the treatment of cancer are being eased by yoga, aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture etc. A major reason for late diagnosis has been credited to less number of diagnostic centers, knowledgeable oncologists and lack of awareness about the disease in rural areas. This needs to be addressed with urgency before cancer turns into a health epidemic in India.