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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Critical post partum haemorrhage case of Mrs Savita Devi, operated successfully by Dr Talat Fatma

Critical post partum haemorrhage case of Mrs Savita Devi, operated successfully by Dr Talat Fatma

24 year old female patient, Mrs Savita Devi was brought to the emergency of Paras Global hospital, Darbhanga in a very critical condition. She had excessive bleeding following a delivery of baby before being brought to Paras Hospital. She was brought to Darbhanga all the way from Sitamarhi. She was taken up immediately. The emergency team quickly diagnosed her and took her vitals. Savita was immediately admitted under renowned Gynecologist, Dr Talat Fatma. Dr Talat performed a successful surgery on her and Savita’s life was saved. Dr. Talat Fatma is a reputed gynecologist with specialized expertise in Laparoscopic, Endoscopic Surgeries and DUB/AUB Management. She also specializes in infertility management and gynae – endocrine disorders.

It was a critical case of post partum haemorrhage. The patient and her relatives had lost all hopes due to excessive bleeding. They could not believe that Savita was successfully operated. She was discharged in 3 days post the operation. She had delivered a baby a day before coming to Paras.

Savita said that I am highly grateful to Dr Talat Fatma and Paras Hospital, Darbhanga. They saved my life. The relatives also said “we would not have been able to save Savita had we gone to any other hospital. We had heard of the speed and spontaneity of the staffs of Paras. It proved to be a boon for Savita. The way she was quickly taken up , checked and operated, already gave us hope. The nursing team gave their best. We had never seen such nursing care elsewhere in Mithila. Moreover, Dr Talat Fatma was very polite with us and had motivated Savita a lot. She asked Savita not to worry and that she would be alright soon.”

Savita’s husband said “I am glad that we took the right decision by bringing her here. I was too worried. I can’t believe that she is returning safely with along with me within 4 days of this incidence. The emergency and gynecology team at Paras Hospital Darbhanga is amazingly efficient.”