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Mar 2, 2024

Neurosurgeon at Paras Hospital saves life of 16 year old who went in comma after road accident

Neurosurgeon at Paras Hospital saves life of 16 year old who went in comma after road accident
  • At Paras Global Hospital, Darbhanga, emergency department, neurosurgery, neurology and critical care team saves life of a 16 year old boy critically injured in road accident.

Darbhanga: Rahul Sah was brought to Paras Hospital, Darbhanga profusely bleeding with serious injuries on head and chest. When his pulse was not found in the emergency unit he was revived with electric shocks and on normalcy of vitals the entire team of neurology and neurosurgery and critical  care was called to examine the boy. His pulse was weak and blood pressure low due to serious injuries. Doctors put him on ventilator to minimise pressure on lungs and heart. The emergency CT scan revealed he had brain injury and multiple brain haemorrhage. Neurosurgery expert Dr Ejaz Alam concluded brain haemorrhage mean brain injury or blood discharge in brain which was a dangerous sign and very fatal in nature causing death or paralysis.

According to Dr Alam, “The most urgent thing was to reduce pressure in brain and stop internal bleeding. We took full care of these things in surgery.” Rahul opened his eyes five days after surgery and came out of comma. Dr Alam said it is important to see any patient coming out of comma but the patients need proper treatment because only after that he could move.

According to neurologist Dr Mohammad Yasin, Rahul remain admitted for 45 days. Initially pipes were used for respiration and feeding but gradually his condition improved and he was free from machines. What benefited him was his being a youth which helped his recovery. Soon he started walking with support and started eating on his own. Such recovery was possible only because of proper treatment and use of technology and in Paras the doctors have managed many such cases.

Rahul is now discharged from the hospital    and leading a healthy life. Rahul’s father said, “Seeing our son in blood we thought we have lost him. We are grateful to Paras and its entire team and treated my son for over 40 days and handed him to us fully cured and healthy. This hospital is life saver where treatment of international standard is done at minimal price.