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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Severe reaction of medicines from elsewhere eventually cured at Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga

Severe reaction of medicines from elsewhere eventually cured at Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga

33 year old female patient Sayeeda Wajida Nuzhat had severe pain in her joints for long. When she went to some doctor, she was given some medicines. These medicines had severe reactions on her face and body. Sayeeda’s face got swollen and she got severe skin reaction all over her body. She had epilepsy attacks too. She started sleeping for very long hours. Her family took her to another hospital. But they could not manage her well and her blood pressure soared. Eventually, the management of that hospital referred her to Paras Global Hospital Darbhanga.

At Paras, Sayeeda was admitted under Dr Prof AK Gupta who confidently managed her well through medicines. For joint pain, Dr Gupta transferred her under Dr Shiv Kumar Suman, eminent Rheumatologist at Paras Hospital. She experienced relief in her joints within few days. Dr Suman also involved renowned Neurologist Dr Md Yasin to who managed her epilepsy. Sayeeda was managed and treated by 3 eminent doctors at Paras Global Hospital and she speedily recovered within 10 days. Her skin reactions went down, joint pain was consdierably reduced & her epilepsy was successfully treated.

Sayeeda and her family members were very happy with her speedy recovery. This case brings to light the right decision making when it comes to choosing the right hospital and right doctor for your medical needs. Medications when go wrong, can bring adverse effects on the health of the individual.